Friday, July 6, 2012

Was it a vacation?

In the Deep 24 x 24 encaustic 2012

Not exactly. . . I was gone from May 28 through June 6th at the Sixth International Encaustic Conference in Truro and Provincetown,  MA. My schedule was full of lectures, demo's, panel discussions, networking, openings and teaching.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were spent in a Mono-type workshop with artist Paula Roland. 
Paula with Cherie and Patrick
It was fun to be a student again and challenging. I was working next to fellow artist and friend, Sara Mast.  I did a bunch of prints but it wasn't until we started collaborating on a scroll that I felt things moving.


We worked on two scrolls for most of the workshop and then took them outside. On the wall, wrapped around a fence, around each other, and finally gently tossed out in the grass. We had a great laugh when someone came in and said we better move it because they almost drove over it. Tire marks might had been interesting. We just weren't that concerned with making a "product".

The final day I was looking at my "test strips" that I made of various paints on papers and decided that I liked them best out of the pieces I did. I began to rip up my prints and glue them to small pieces of paper and hand them over to Sara. Another collaboration began and a few hours later ...Voila!!

It was a great experience. We have a workshop called FUSE planned for the end of July in Montana in Sara's studio where we hope to continue the collaboration together with our students.

Thursday night was the opening of Merge: Contemporary Encaustic Print Invitational a show curated by Cherie Mittenthal which included David A Clark, Marybeth Rothman, Paula Roland, Toby Sisson and myself.

Marybeth Rothman and her work

Friday, the conference began which included demos, talks and panel discussions: i.e. funding your work, getting a gallery, teaching practices, creativity, critique, collage and so much more. Friday night was a night of art and art openings. Saturday afternoon, I presented a talk on 14 artists and their studios and Saturday night was the Keynote speaker, gallerist Ed Winkleman.

Sunday morning was the hotel art fair where I displayed work along side MaryBeth Rothman. I sold a few pieces and then attended the rest of the fair. 

Sunday night was the book signing for Encaustic 2012. A portfolio of my work is included in the newly published R&F Handmade Paints inaugural edition of Encaustic Works '12, A Biennial Exhibition in Print. The work was selected and essay written by Joanne Mattera, renowned artist and author of The Art of Encaustic Painting: Contemporary Expression in the Ancient Medium of Pigmented Wax. R&F Handmade Paints has been sponsoring this biennial exhibition series, 'Encaustic Works', since 1997.

 It was quite a scene with many of the curated artists there  to sign books.

Monday I taught a one day workshop on pigment sticks and encaustic. I had a lovely group of talented and experienced individuals. I decided to get them working very quickly and  the day went very quickly. Joanne Mattera was kind enough to attend the beginning of the workshop and she said this; 

"I visited Lisa Pressman’s Introduction to Pigment Sticks and Encaustic and was impressed by the ease with which she demonstrated and then introduced a series of one-minute exercises designed to get students actively involved in the possibilities of the medium. There was none of the chitchat that often accompanies workshops; students were fully engrossed. Returning at the end of the day, I was bowled over by what the group had achieved."

You can find some more photos and more of a description here

Somewhere in those few days I was accused of having a party in my really wasn't me. I did have some lobster, laughed, cried and connected with some terrific artists/friends. Hmm. Maybe it was a vacation,
a great working one and one that keeps on giving back.

Between the Lines 28 wax and ink on paper 17 x 17 2012

PS. The light  in Truro

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wax: Medium Meets Message

 Curator Leslie Neumann brought together Ann Taylor Gibson, Elise Wagner, Kim Bernard, Lisa Pressman, Russell Thurston, Laura Moriarty, Lorrie Fredette, Mary Beth Rothman and herself to this show at the Morean Arts Center. I took a few install shots the night of the opening.
 You can find a review here and here.

                                                              Kim Bernard



                                               Marybeth Rothman

                                               Laura Moriarty

                                                  Elise Wagner

                                                  Lorrie Fredette

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Installation at the Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg

Installation at the Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg, Fl

Lisa Pressman  Vision    8@ 24 x 24 encaustic and oil

more to follow

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting to say thank you

Jake Grossberg and myself at his 80th birthday party

A few weeks ago I received an email from Di Grossberg inviting me to  
Jake Grossberg's birthday party. She  had found my post about him here and was inviting past students to come to his surprise party. Of course I said yes, wondering how any teacher could remember their students from year to year never mind 30 years. When I walked into his house there was a house full of  former students plus friends already there and that was at the very beginning of the party. It was quite a testament to his influence on so many of us. When I walked up to shake his hand he looked at me and said " Lisa, are you still painting" ( I think I heard him say I still looked that same but that might have been wishful thinking) But oh what a great question!!
I hung around for a while, talked to other students and traded stories, wrote a note in the book Di provided and left. I did have a chance to thank him for all the wisdom he shared and to let him know I am passing it on to my students. It was quite a day. Thanks, Di. 

Sculpture by Jake Grossberg

Still on the subject of influences, I was thinking about artists that I know or have known personally who have the ability to help my work grow and change. One teacher comes to mind quite often and I repeat his advice to my students every time I teach and occasionally to myself when I am fussing around on my work. Jake Grossberg, sculptor, was trying to show me something with Plaster of Paris and I was very hesitant and timid. He looked at me and in his Jewish grandfather way said
"Bubele, you are not making bombs here-it is just art"
Later after I had graduated he was encouraging me to go around NY with my work and I told him I wasn't ready.
His words were "Do you think you will ever think you are ready? He suggested that I think of promoting my work like I was selling salami's. Some people like salami, some don't." He taught me to separate my work from myself and get into a different mind set when promoting......invaluable advice. Thanks, Jake

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Images from show at (supportinghumanequality)

Installation at s.h.e. gallery, Boonton, NJ.  March 2 31st

Rainy Day 1 and 2 16 x 16 wax and mixed media


Chapter 6 26 x 26 encaustic

Leap of Faith 30 x30 oil

The Chair 16 x 16 encaustic, That Crazy Dream, 16 x 16 encaustic

From There to Here 36 x36 oil

Journey 36 x 72 oil on board

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Upcoming Show March 2nd-March 31st

 Here is the full image of the painting.

The Rooms of Anais  Nin  28 x  38 encaustic L Pressman

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have you seen this painting?

FOUND!!!   It was with a consultant and neither of us had the paperwork. I am  working on it!

July 4 28 x 39  encaustic on canvas on panel

Yesterday I saw a facebook post by Joanne Mattera  saying she was busy doing inventory. 

Inventory, a huge thorn in my side.

For years I had a book with titles, info, inventory number sold or not but what good did that do me? Not much. Now I have folders on my computer that show the images; where things are, where they are going, if they are home and if they are sold. What is this doing for me? Not much, apparently.

( I do have an account with one of the online programs but when I went to  enter the information I was overwhelmed. Did anyone say I need an intern????).

July 4th was in my home folder but it is not in my  home, studio or racks. When I realized this, I traced it back to some paper work which placed it at my solo show at the Center for Visual Arts, fall of 2010. I know I brought it home and it may have made it out to a local venue after that didn't have a folder on my desktop. I don't have a record of selling it. I keep going back through my racks thinking it is hidden amongst the  graduate school paintings.

 I sent out some feelers with an image but all said they didn't have the painting.

You know, it is not like my keys or cell phone that will show up  in my garbage, under the bed or in my back pocket. It is a painting!! It is somewhere.

Ok. I confessed.  I have misplaced a painting. Not my finest moment.

Anyone else? Probably not.

Working on my inventory is top on my to do list.

So the next question is which program do you use to keep track of your work?

And if you see July 4th somewhere please let me know.