The Story Begins 26 x 28 mixed media 2007 L Pressman
I am trying to organize my books that are everywhere: the office, the bedroom and the studio.The dust is settling on the pile of philosophy and psychology of art books. I haven't even begun to collect the catalogs and individual artist books. I am looking forward to seeing what is up in my attic.
This week I have been looking through the creative process books ...here are several I have found so far. Always looking for new ones to add.
Have any suggestions?..............Maybe we could start a list of the essential creative process books.
Anais Nin: all the journals
Twyla Tharp: The Creative Habit
The Artists Way: Julia Cameron
The Writing Life :Annie Dillard
Daybook: Anne Truit
May Sarton: The Journals of Solitude ( Marie-this one is yours-I will bring it back)
Centering: M.C. Richards
Spirit Taking Form: Nancy Azara
Trust the Process Shaun Mcniff
Art and Soul: Audrey Flack
Concerning the Spiritual in Art Kandinsky
Reading now or on "the list" to read:
deKooning An American Master Mark Stevens and Annalyn SwanOn Writing Stephen KingThe Extreme of the Middle:Writings of Jack Tworkov JackTworkov; Edited by Mira Schor
I am currently reading "Art & Fear" which is a terrific little book. In fact as soon as I finish it I might start over at page one.
I second that!
Can't resist talking about books. In addition to many of the books you mentioned I would add these gems:
"Creative Authenticity" by Ian Roberts
"The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield
"The Creative License" by Danny Gregory
Thanks-Just what I was looking for-I will add them to my list!
I have "Art Lessons: meditation on the Creative Life" by Deborah J. Haynes on my bookshelf. I read it a long time ago, but I remember liking it. hmm, maybe I should read it again!
I loved Twyla Tharps book as well and also The Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron, very similar to her first but good, anything by Eric Maisel, sortof a mainstream approach to creativity in anyones life, very good, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg, The Writing Life by Annie Dillard. Both of these have writing slant bu t the principles are the same.
I read The Gift by Lewis Hyde and it's one of the most amazing books I've ever come across. Somehow he manages to discuss gift economies, money economies, the erotics of poetry and creativity in general, and the meaning of life. I'm not kidding!
As a friend said, this book can change your life.
Great idea, by the way!
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