Monday, August 15, 2011

The Workshop in Tuscany

As I am getting ready to teach a workshop up at Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill, I realize that I am behind on a post about the Tuscan workshop that I led in late June. I  brought my students to a villa owned by Raffaele Nobile. He calls his program Tuscany in the Frame and offers art and cooking holidays in Tuscany and other parts of Italy. This trip took place in Cortona. 

Here is Raffaele

His van.

 The villa

The studio


Table set for the first night of dinner, with Krista, Lars and Geralyn taking the picture

 I called the workshop Approaching Abstraction. Our goal was not to create finished pieces of art but more to observe and experience the landscape, color and light around us. Our travels brought us to Cortona, Arezzo, Pienza , Moltepuciano, and Assisi. There were 11 of us and we were there for eight days. We experimented with materials, toured, ate, drank, laughed, cried, had many expressos, took thousands of pictures between all of us and had an amazing experience. Here are some photos of "studio time" at the villa.


One afternoon we had an impromptu art supply show, tell, then do party.


Geralyn, Debbie,  Erica, Mira and Kevin (l-r)


In the studio working



 I am giving a color mixing lesson before jumping in the pool. Yes! it was very hot.

Tara and Geralyn decide to take a walk past the sunflowers,

while Laurie, Debbie and I paint them.

Debbie had great success "painting" on her Ipad,
and I, underneath the hat, shocked everyone by dong my own sunflowers.

Here we are in the Tuscan light. From left to right: Geralyn, me, Erica, Krista, Lars, Lee, Debbie, Tara, Mira and Doug. Where are Kevin and Laurie?

You can see many of my photos of the entire trip in my July posts. 

New workshops are in the planning stages. 
Possible destinations: Costa Rica, Sicily, Montana and the tri-state area.
Email me for details:


Laura Tyler said...

Lovely, lovely! Thank you for sharing, Lisa.

Nancy Natale said...

That looks like so much fun! Those sunflowers and the Tuscan light are to die for. Thanks for posting these, Lisa!

CMC said...

Thanks for sharing, Lisa.... so much fun you all had. Lots of memories stored for future paintings.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing that.